
WEBINAR: How to Save Time & Resources on Asset Integrity Management

From Software Implementation to Operational Sustainment

Join us on August 30 at 10:00 AM CDT for an exclusive webinar with Bastian Zars, Asset Integrity Manager and Floyd Baker, Vice President, Antea Asset Integrity Software (AIM) as they discuss current industry challenges for asset owners and operators across the oil and gas and chemical/petrochemical industries, and examine groundbreaking new resources available to solve them along every step of the mechanical integrity journey — from implementation to sustainable operations! We will also discuss how our partnership with Antea is helping our clients save money and make better decisions.

You will learn:
- how to make the business case
- assessing the best AIM tools for your company’s needs
- data analysis, mining, cataloguing, integration, optimization, and management
- implementation and training
- about ongoing support with running and optimizing the software

The webinar will include details on the companies’ newly announced partnership, and will include a live Q&A. Attendance counts toward certified professional development!

Register now: https://lnkd.in/ewNZnAkk

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