ESG assurance & reporting - Databox

End-to-end emissions management solution

Databox, powered by Siccar, helps streamline the low-carbon journey of the oil and gas business and the renewables sector. Calculate, report and verifiably demonstrate GHG emissions based on trusted internal and external data.

Be in control of your energy transition role with trusted data on your direct and indirect GHG emissions in one place.


Current approaches to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions management are often unable to provide the quality of environmental reporting across the energy supply chain now demanded by regulators, stakeholders and investors.

Process-optimisation packages fail to quantify data. Reporting software lacks the understanding to support emissions management. Asset owners and operators must also rely on disparate data sources and manual processes. This makes it impossible to control versions and verify data – particularly challenging with Scope 3 reporting. Additionally, sharing information is insecure.

Summary of emissions profiles

These are split into three Scopes: 1, 2 and 3.

Direct emissions from combustion in owned or controlled boilers, furnaces, turbines and engines, and from flaring and venting.

Indirect emissions from the consumption of purchased electricity, heat, steam and cooling.

Other indirect, upstream emissions sources (Categories 1–8), neither owned nor controlled by the reporting company.

Indirect, downstream emissions (Cats 9–15), which are related to sold goods and services (sale and use of product).

Databox from Vysus Group and Siccar combines world-class engineering expertise and tamperproof technology. Now, you have an unprecedented level of accuracy when tracking your direct and indirect emissions, and ultimate efficiency and security. Calculate, report and verifiably demonstrate emissions based on trusted data, and use analytics and insights to shape your future business.

Your world of decarbonisation in one place

Your robust solution
Our Databox technology builds on decades of engineering and environmental management consulting. Fully supported by Vysus Group’s technical specialists, we’ll help assure the integrity of your emissions reporting, with insights to optimise operations and investment.

Your secure solution
Plugging in Siccar’s distributed ledger technology enables you and approved third parties to feed in encrypted end-to-end emissions data as tamperproof transactions, creating a single source of truth and a verifiable chain of custody. Data can be shared safely, with enforced security by design.

Independent verification, as part of the services offered within Databox

As an integral component of your Databox solution, clients benefit from our status as a fully licensed AA 1000 assurance provider, supporting the verification of sustainability reports, disclosures and public statements. This expertise includes, Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG/CO2 emissions.

The AA1000 methodology is adopted globally for sustainability-related assurance engagements. It can be used with related standards, such as ISO 14064-3 and ISAE 3410, for the verification of Carbon accounting and GHG emissions reports.

Benefits of using one Databox

  • Be in control of emissions data, inside and outside of your organisation

  • Visualise emissions and stay on track to reach sustainability goals

  • Lower your carbon footprint more effectively

  • Provide traceable, accurate ESG reports to all stakeholders

  • Avoid regulatory fines and associated penalties

  • Optimise your processes, operations and investment

  • Capitalise on opportunities for renewables and carbon offsetting

  • Gain access to capital for future assets and infrastructure

Key features

World-class services

We can support you in:

  • developing your energy management (EnMS) system

  • quantifying the integrity of your GHG emissions data

  • independently verifying GHG emissions reports, as well as non-financial disclosures and public sustainability statements

  • decarbonising your operations further


years in oil and gas


years in renewable energy


years in emissions management

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Read our brochure for further information
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