Nuclear Academy - PSA Part 2

Low Power and Shutdown Level 1 PSA, Internal and External Hazards, Level 2 and 3 PSA

The purpose of this course is to give participants an introduction to specific PSA topics such as low power and shutdown PSA, internal hazards, external hazards, Level 2 and Level 3 PSA. The course is tailored to individuals with some experience in PSA (PSA Part 1 or working experience). The lectures combine theory with practical examples, and there are exercises using RiskSpectrum® PSA.

November 2024 (week 47) - online

Plant Operating States

Low Power and Shutdown PSA

Introduction to Internal Hazards PSA eg Fire and Flooding

Introduction to External hazards PSA eg Seismic, Aircraft

Crash and non- Seismic hazards

Level 2 PSA

  • Interface Level 1 and 2 PSA
  • Plant damage states
  • Accident progression analysis (containment event trees)
  • Containment failure modes and performance
  • Phenomena during severe accidents
  • Release categories and source terms
  • Quantification of large early release frequency (LERF/LRF)

Hands-on Practice using RiskSpectrum® PSA

  • Shutdown PSA modelling vs. full power PSA modelling
  • Integrated Level 1 and 2 PSA modelling
  • Internal and external hazards
  • Containment event trees and release categories
  • Overview of Level 3 PSA

Terms and conditions

By submitting this form you are committing to pay EUR 3500 per person (excluding VAT) when invoiced.


Cancelling should be notified immediately to us. If the cancellation occurs later than 30 days before the course start the course fee will be charged. The registration can be granted to another person within your company. If so, please notify us so that we can update course certificates etc.

We reserve the right to cancel the training course if less number of participants registers. Such cancellation will be notified to the client within 3 weeks of the first training day.


Copying of course documentation and software is not allowed. This also applies to usage of educational material by third parties. Exceptions, complete or partial, may take place only after agreement with course coordinators within Vysus Group.

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