Technical Due Diligence

We’ll help identify and quantify your investment risks, so you can proceed with the deal or reassess your priorities.


Our independent, impartial service is a key risk management tool for buyers, including a review of assets for sale as presented by the seller.

We’ll identify any key material concerns which may affect the capital required and operating expenditure. Our support look at both assets and associated infrastructure and is usually within the context of a defined operational period.


We cover the broad scope of technical due diligence areas, with solutions tailored to the specific assets for sale. These include:

  • facility integrity, including structural, mechanical and asset integrity, and well, pipeline and power grid integrity
  • condition of physical assets
  • spare parts, storage and warehousing
  • management systems for the above.


  • Fully understand the transactional risks
  • Know the limitations and opportunities
  • Put in place contract measures where needed, from a considered level of compensation to warranty and continency clauses

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