Executive Summary - Planit22 post COP26 national survey

COP26 has ‘galvanised’ UK into reaching sustainability targets, survey reveals

This research was carried out by Censuswide, with a sample of 250 business owners and decision makers within the UK energy sector.

Conducted between 18.01.22 and 21.01.22, the objective of the survey was to garner insight and sentiment around COP26, and identify ongoing impacts upon businesses and individuals as we transition from reliance upon fossil fuels towards renewables.

Whilst results overall are encouraging and appear to underline a wide commitment to reaching targets, a pattern has emerged indicating the baby boomer generation may be less committed than those under the age of 35.

How successful or unsuccessful do you think COP 26 has been in the following?

Galvanizing energy companies into reaching global sustainability goals

  • 95.6% say it’s been successful, albeit only 32.4% believe it has been ‘very successful’


say it's been successful

Galvanizing my company into reaching global sustainability goals

  • 94.8% say it’s been successful, but only 33.33% of the +55 age group believe it’s been successful


say it's been succesful

Galvanizing the UK into reaching global sustainability goals

  • 92.8% agree it’s been successful, with only .8% of those surveyed believing it to not have been a success at all


say it's been succesful

In what ways, if any, has COP 26 changed your approach to business planning?

  • 38% of respondents say their company has hired more people to help with transitioning


have hired more

  • 50% (half) say they have invested in more renewable policies


have invested more

Overall, 2.4% say It has not changed their approach to business planning in any way however, in the +55 age group it was 66.67%


say it has not changed their approach

What, if anything, do you think are the greatest barriers to your business to achieving net zero?

  • 47.2% say cost is the biggest barrier


say cost is a barrier

  • Whereas 40% say they have ‘bigger priorities.’


have bigger priorities

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I Think my business is doing enough towards transition to renewables

  • 94% of all participators thought that their business was doing enough towards the transition to renewable


think their business is doing enough

  • BUT – only 14.4% of those ‘strongly agree’


strongly agree

In your business, what, if anything, do you think the transition towards sustainable energy will negatively impact? Tick all that apply

  • 52.8% say business operations


business operations

  • 50.4% say business growth


business growth

  • 48% say investments



  • 45.2% say profitability



How well-equipped, if at all, do you think the following markets are for transitioning to green energy?

  • 83.2% of participants felt that the UK was very equipped for the transition to green energy compared to just 62% for the US


felt the UK was very equipped

  • The Nordics were perceived as being the least equipped at 24%


of nordics equipped

When, if ever, will you set transition, environmental or sustainability targets in your business?

  • In total, 51.6% say they are already doing so


already doing so

  • Just 1.6% said they have no plans


have no plans

  • HOWEVER, 66.67 of the over 55 age group say they have no plans


55+ say they have no plans

Do environmental and sustainability factors feature in your business planning and decision-making?

  • 98% (NET) Say yes



  • 100% of 25-34 believe that environmentally and sustainability factors feature in their business planning and making decisions


25-34 factor sustainability into their decisions

  • This was compared to just 66.7% of +55 age group


55+ age group

Which of the following, if any, best represents sustainable energy to you?

  • Even mixes across three answers


split evenly

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

A - The transition from fossil fuel energy to renewables is moving too quickly for my business

  • 90.4% agree



B - The transition from fossil fuel energy to renewables is moving too quickly for businesses in general

  • 92.4% agree



C - All energy is dirty

  • 40% agree BUT only 2.8% strongly disagree



D - It's too little, too late to invest in a sustainable future

  • 53.6% agree BUT only 1.2% strongly disagree



E - Wind power is the way forward

  • 81.6% agree, 2% disagree



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