1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how sustainable are you daily?
I’d say about a 4. My borough doesn’t have an extensive recycling scheme, but I recycle what I can and don’t really waste anything. What I can’t recycle locally I take to a recycling centre.
2. Give an example of the one thing you do to be sustainable
I use the water from my dehumidifier to water my plants.
3. Who is your sustainable ‘inspiration’?
David Attenborough! To me, his documentaries serve as a war cry to protect and preserve our planet
4. What does the world need to become more sustainable right now?
Education and the right infrastructure/supply chain/targeted investment to enable commercially scalable sustainable produce
5. What one piece of advice would you give your younger self?
Speak up when you see others acting against the ethos of sustainability
6. Could you live ‘off grid’ for a whole year?
Not if I want to keep my job.
7. What three sustainable items would you want on a desert island?
Magnifying Glass, metallic Swiss army knife, lots of bamboo.
8. If you could rid the world of one thing that is environmentally detrimental, what would it be?
Fast fashion factories or livestock farms
9. What one step could each of us make right now to be more sustainable?
Switch to a renewable energy supplier e.g., Octopus Energy, they’re no more expensive than regular energy providers