News   |     |   12.08.2024

Vysus cycle team raises NOK115 00 for charity

A team of six cyclists from Vysus Group in Norway has used pedal power to raise more than NOK 115 000 (£8,550) for cancer charity Aktiv mot kreft (Active against Cancer).

The 3,000 km challenge saw the all-women team spend one week, each year for five years exploring different parts of the country while raising important funds for the charity. Aktiv mot kreft promotes physical activity as a supportive measure for cancer patients.

One of the cyclists, Anne Gine Olrud, Project Support Analyst at Vysus Group, said:

“We have seen our beautiful country in a new way. Avoiding the main roads and riding roads less travelled have given us many unforgettable moments. We‘re grateful to everyone who has supported us and sponsored us along the way. From helping us with logistics and coordinating the trips to providing food and refreshments throughout.

“We’re delighted to have raised so much for a charity that is very close to our hearts. Almost three years ago one of our teammates was sadly diagnosed with incurable cancer. We all doubted she could finish our bike ride but she proved us wrong! With the help of Aktiv mot kreft, which offers personalised training for cancer patients, she showed incredible determination and crossed the finish line with us."

Aktiv mot kreft, being a foundation, does not receive government support and relies solely on contributions from businesses and private individuals. Vysus Group is proud to support the campaign and it is a great demonstration of our unrelenting team spirit. The dedication and resilience throughout this journey are truly inspiring.

Find out more or donate to Aktiv mot kreft here Aktiv mot kreft-Høy puls for en god sak

Norway Cycle Team 1
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