Team Vysus chose to support Camphill School Aberdeen, an independent charity which supports children and young people, many with additional support needs, to reach their fullest potential. The organisation provides day and residential placements to students and is seeing increasing demand. As a result, the charity has launched its Capital Appeal to raise £10 million in 10 years to increase its residential capacity, build new facilities and expand access to its workshops and therapies.
Vysus’ Marketing & Communications Manager, Dawn Rowan, is well aware of the fantastic services provided by Camphill as her 17-year-old son Seth, who has autism and ADHD, has been a residential student for more than two years.

Jodie Gillies, Deanna Carter, Keith Cowie, Rachael Yule & Dawn Rowan
“Giving back is something that is very important to Vysus as a company as a whole and we encourage our teams across the globe to take part in community and charitable events throughout the year,” said Dawn. “We organise annual local volunteering events to mark our company anniversary on 1st November, from volunteering at care homes and food banks to gardening and clean-up activities.
“I wanted to take part in the Kiltwalk to raise funds and awareness for Camphill as I think it’s an amazing facility and the support and experiences that Seth receives has been hugely beneficial for him and for our family. Accepting that a residential placement was the best option for him was the most difficult thing I have ever had to do, however it has also turned out to be the best decision I have ever made, and I’d like to help other families have access to this. I am also very grateful to the colleagues who chose to also take part in the Kiltwalk!"

Fiona Watt & Veronica Ameri
Two Vysus groups took part – one participating in the 3.7-mile walk and another completing the 17.8-mile challenge.
To support Team Vysus or find out more, you can visit the fundraising page.

Stephanie Okoye