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News   |     |   27.07.2022

Navigating through the energy trilemma in uncertain times

A Vysus Group Business Breakfast

Date: Wednesday 21 September
07:00 - 09:00 (UK)
Chester Hotel, Aberdeen
Free to attend

About this event

In November 2021, the world watched and waited as 120 world leaders and over 40,000 registered participants, engaged in intense negotiations to make enhanced commitments to build resilience to climate change, curb greenhouse gas emissions and to provide the necessary finance for both. Many would argue that the commitments made fell short – and that ultimately the success of COP26 will depend on whether the international community can deliver on the promises made to meet the urgency of the climate crisis and successfully limit global warming to 1.5C.

The challenge for us all is how we balance the desire for energy independence with the increasing global demand for hydrocarbons, not least in the wake of the first major conflict on the European continent for almost 80 years? And how do we square this with COP26 commitments and crucially, successfully navigate the ever-evolving global energy agenda?

Vysus Group, in collaboration with the Energy Industries Council (EIC), is pleased to announce our upcoming business breakfast where we shine a spotlight on the ‘Energy Trilemma’; a balance between security, affordability, and sustainability in how we access and use energy in our daily lives. In recent months, a greater emphasis has been placed on energy security and with this there has been a shift from a primary focus on renewables, to an increase in reliance on hydrocarbons to avoid economic collapse.

Join us to discuss the policy U-turn, how this short-term focus shift affects our race to net-zero, and how energy transition is now more important than ever.


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