Increasingly organisations within the energy industry are requesting the independent verification of sustainability reports and disclosures to satisfy the demands of regulators, investors and the supply chain. Where independent assurance is used to improve the quality and credibility of a report, regulators, rating agencies and other stakeholders often look positively on the inclusion of an independent assurance statement.
Having provided independent verification and certification services to the industry for over 20 years, the Vysus team is well placed to support our clients meet these growing demands. Notably, Vysus is an AA1000 licenced assurance provider for the verification of sustainability reports & disclosures.
Our AA1000 Licenced status means we can support our clients in the upstream oil and gas, downstream processing, renewables and decommissioning sectors to verify ESG reports and disclosures which are becoming more prevalent in supply chain questionnaires and contract terms. Key drivers include:
- NSTA Stewardship Expectations (SE11, SE12)
- CSRD / ESRS obligations
- SECR reporting requirements
The application of this specialist service is broad reaching. And, in recent months we have conducted a number of assurance assignments under the auspices of the AA1000 licence, covering:
- Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions
- Water use and disposal
- Solid waste
- Resource use, and other key metrics
The AA1000 AS suite of standards and principles, is a leading methodology used by sustainability professionals worldwide.
- The AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS v3) serves as a standard for assurance on sustainability information for organisations of any type, based on the effective application of the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles (AA1000AP, 2018).
- The AA1000AS v3 and this Guidance Document can be utilised complementarily with other internationally recognised assurance standards and frameworks to enhance the robustness and high-quality of the overall assurance process. Together, they support assurance on a range of sustainability disclosures and remain applicable within the context of other sustainability-related standards and guidelines.
- The AA1000AS v3 is an internationally recognised, industry-independent, and freely available standard that provides the requirements for AccountAbility-licensed assurance providers to conduct high-quality sustainability assurance on the application of the AA1000AP (2018) by reporting organisations.
- Notably, the AA1000 verification standard is recognised by UK Govt SECR specifications and IOGP/ IPIECA / API guidance as a principle route to the independent assurance of sustainability reports and disclosures, which includes reporting of GHG emissions (carbon footprinting) waste, water and other key parameters
Increasingly organisations within the energy industry are requesting the independent verification of sustainability reports and disclosures to satisfy the demands of regulators, investors and the supply chain. Where independent assurance is used to improve the quality and credibility of a report, regulators, rating agencies and other stakeholders often look positively on the inclusion of an independent assurance statement.
Having provided independent verification and certification services to the industry for over 20 years, the Vysus team is well placed to support our clients meet these growing demands. Notably, Vysus is an AA1000 licenced assurance provider for the verification of sustainability reports & disclosures.
To discuss your requirements further, get in touch with one of our experts.