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Case Study

Diamond Drilling: Reducing downtime by assuring MODU design.


Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc


Ultra-deepwater dynamically positioned semi-submersible


Offshore Brazil


Diamond Offshore is a leader in offshore drilling, providing contract drilling services to the energy industry around the globe.

LR have been responsible for delivering drilling rig annual inspections for Diamond Offshore for over 10 years. We were also selected as the 3rd party independent company to provide a rig audit in line with Petrobras requirements.

The Ocean Courage mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) was working for Petrobras in Brazil and was soon to be adding accumulators to the blowout preventer (BOP) stack as part of Phase II of a shear ram booster and accumulator sizing upgrade. Phase I of this upgrade entailed the addition of the shear ram boosters and associated plumbing. Petrobras had raised concern regarding the sizing calculation methodology for the accumulator systems providing hydraulic supply to the various emergency systems.

How we helped

To assure the designs were as built for phase II, we delivered compliance verification and BOP support services for the Ocean Courage.

Design Review

We reviewed the accumulator system design and calculation methodology to confirm that they were appropriate for the equipment configuration (including all emergency systems) and compliant with the design specifications set forth in API 16D as part of the Phase II upgrade.

Onsite Verification

We observed and supported the installation of the accumulator upgrade and subsequent commissioning of the system following implementation ensure industry standards and best industry practices were applied.

The impact

  • On time delivery and on budget project
  • Reduced downtime
  • Enhanced safety
  • Increased reliability
  • Regulatory compliance.
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