Adobestock 683844603 plant storage tanks 1

Case Study

Design appraisal & code compliance survey

Client Challenge

Our client, a large power plant owner/operator, had two fuel oil storage tanks, newly constructed by a third party. Our client suspected the tanks did not meet code compliance and could present a safety and environmental risk.

How we helped

Vysus Group was engaged to perform a design appraisal and code compliant survey to ensure the tanks were built to API 650 code requirements. This involved the review of data sheets, calculations, design drawings, welding records, material test reports, NDE reports etc to ensure the design met code requirements.

In addition, on-site surveys were conducted to validate whether as-built conditions corresponded to design requirement. Many non-conformances were noted, which resulted in multiple iterations of design revisions and tank repairs. We developed comprehensive repair plans were developed to address the non-conformances identified in order to have the tank code compliant

One example of repair plans generated per API 653 requirements, was to install welded-on patch plates on tank bottom and annular ring, inclusive of tombstone design, placement and sizing. This repair procedure contains the following guidelines to achieve such a quality repair:

• Material of construction for patch plates.

• Sizing of patches and guidelines for the placement.

• Welding requirements and examination of welds for acceptability.

Powerful results

Using the outputs of our design appraisal, site surveys and repair methodologies, the client was able to satisfactorily execute all design revisions and tank repairs, thereby achieving code compliance and certification.

The client was very satisfied with the technical expertise we provided, and was able to place the tanks safely into service, without fear of premature failures or jurisdictional sanctions.

Using the outputs of our design appraisal, site surveys and repair methodologies, the client was able to satisfactorily execute all design revisions and tank repair.

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