Refinery Vysus

Case Study

Delivering fast and accurate Turnaround integrity support


Large refinery complex

Asset Type

Pressure vessels



Client Challenge

Turnarounds present a significant challenge to operators. Ineffective planning, poor execution, and inconsistent post-turnaround reporting and maintenance programming, all too often lead to turnaround overruns, unplanned downtime, and unnecessary costs. Our client was keen to avoid these common turnaround challenges. They recognised that they did not have the engineering specialists in-house to perform the more complex assessments nor the resource capacity during the turnaround to deliver the volume repair plans required. They approached Vysus Group because of our reputation for delivering consistent, rigorous engineering advice.

How we helped

Vysus Group provided turnaround planning, execution and post-turnaround activities which led to significant cost and time savings. We quickly brought together a team of experienced engineers from around the world who worked remotely to support this project continuously over a 24-hour period. Their engineering expertise allowed key operational decisions to be made with a fast reaction time. Our multidisciplinary team provided dedicated support to the facility, to swiftly deliver high-quality, detailed repair plans. Not only was the team available around the clock but our response time from request to delivery averaged under 24 hours. Key activity included:

  • Level 3 Fitness for Service assessments were delivered quickly and accurately
  • Code-compliant repair plans for known integrity issues were prepared within 24-hours

Powerful results

By providing speed and accuracy backed by engineering experience we were able to:

  • Improve repair times
  • Reduce costs associated with delays by having the right information available
  • Reduce overall cost of the turnaround
  • Improve accuracy of turnaround planning, scheduling and cost estimation
    Reduce potential turnaround delays
    Deliver pre-emptive Fitness for Service Assessments

The adaptability of our engineering team, due to the breadth of their experience and qualifications, enabled Vysus Group to meet the full gambit of our client’s integrity requirements.

“Your dedication and expertise helped us to keep up with hundreds of repair package requests. It was an absolute pleasure working with all of you and we are looking forward to more collaboration opportunities in future.”

Get in touch with our team to discuss how we can support your turnaround activity. Email

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