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Case Study

49% reduction in major rotating equipment maintenance hours thanks to our maintenance optimisation methodology


One of the largest gas processing facilities in Latin America and the Caribbean - due to commercial interests, the client has requested to remain anonymous.

Asset type

Gas processing



Client challenge

Our client was looking to improve facility performance through the implementation of a rotating equipment preventative maintenance rationalisation project, for which it spent 22k hours a year undertaking.

Our client was operating without a clear maintenance strategy and plan which aligned with current production objectives, commercial realities or equipment usage and age.

How we helped

We applied our maintenance optimisation methodology, a software enabled service. We reviewed the maintenance history, equipment criticality and derived and failure rates of critical rotating equipment before optimising the current preventative maintenance strategy of 313 machinery items.

Our team optimised safety critical maintenance against a reliability target of 95% for fire pumps and emergency generation. We also optimised maintenance for the remaining plant non-safety critical maintenance on a commercial basis.


Extend maintenance intervals where the failure rate evidence suggested this was possible, covering:

• Alternators.

• Combustion engines.

• Fans.

• Motors.

• Pumps.

• Fire pumps.

• Instrument air compressors.

• Turbo expanders.

• Specific equipment items were identified where repeated failures had occurred and following analysis of these failures, maintenance recommendations, were made to improve reliability.


(49%) reduction in maintenance hours

The impact

• Overall hours of preventative, maintenance tasks in the scope of this study can be reduced by 11k hours (49%) on an annualised basis.

• Estimated $164k per annum cost reduction.

• Demonstrate Safety Critical Elements (SCEs) performance.

• Improved production availability.


Cost reduction

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