The software provided will provide a simplified interface (for use by non-specialist users) for the purpose of two main functionalities:
- Making simple vibration measurements as per AVIFF guidelines. A tri-axial accelerometer signal will be recorded, analysed in the frequency domain, and presented against the criteria curves of the AVIFF guideline (see figure1 ).
- Performing experimental modal analysis. An accelerometer and impact signal will be recorded, analysed in the frequency domain and the resultant transfer function magnitude, phase and coherence displayed (see figure 2).

The software is developed in the Python programming language based on open-source libraries and Vysus Group’s proprietary developed code, with no other commercial dependencies (except software from data acquisition hardware provider).
Vysus Group has developed and can customise a four-channel system to conduct experimental modal analysis (EMA) on piping and small-bore fittings. This can include:
- Tablet PC with relevant software installed
- USB data acquisition module
- Tri-axial accelerometer
- Impact hammer
- Strapping and cables
The system is built to be as compact and robust as possible considering the current state of the art when it comes to vibration monitoring with open software options.
Both raw measurement data or analysed results can be exported to client databases for systematic collection of data.
The software can be modified to evaluated vibrations against other criteria, such as:
- NORSOK L-002 Acoustic Induced Vibration (AIV).
- UK Energy Institute “Guidelines for the Avoidance of Vibration Induced Fatigue Failures in Process Pipework” (AVIFF).
- ISO 10816 on Machinery Vibrations.
Vysus has, in the past, delivered 9 tailormade systems to Lloyd's Register for measurement of vibration on marine equipment.